Stokke Xplory V4 Stroller And Carrycot

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750 $
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Основанная в 1998 году, All 4 Baby превратилась в специалиста по детским товарам в Таиланде. Помимо нашего собственного ассортимента оборудования под брендом "Cool Kids", мы также...

Адрес: Казахстан, 090000, Уральск,, , г.Уральск ул.Курмангазы 179
Телефон: +447031921421
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Артикул: 09
Цена: 750 $
Город: Уральск,
Категория: Другое

Available colors: - red, purple, dark blue, beige, brown, black, gray

Details & Care

An ergonomic seat perfects the comfort of a lightweight, easy-fold stroller designed with a 5-point harness and multiple positions facing front or back. It also allows you to raise and lower the baby seat along the handles, bringing baby closer to you and lifting your little one out of dust and exhaust streams. Easy handles customize the seat height and angle, while an adjustable footrest extends to keep up with growth spurts.

Suitable from birth to 45 lbs.

36 1/2" x 22 3/4" x 33 1/2".

26.5 lbs. - chassis with seat or carry cot.

18.3 lbs. - chassis alone.

Height- and angle-adjustable handle with ergonomic design and integrated cup holder attachment.

Water-repellent, pthalate-free PVC rain hood with netted fabric for excellent ventilation.

Height-adjustable seat brings baby closer to you.

Soft, padded seat for a comfy ride.

Five seating positions: three facing parent including active, rest and sleep positions; two forward facing.

Expandable shopping bag is positioned near ground level to make the stroller even more stable when you use it.

Two-wheel function for ease of strolling on uneven surfaces or up and down stairs.

Lockable front swivel wheels make it easier to maneuver in tight spaces and to park the stroller.

Red brake pedal locks all four wheels with one push.

Car seat adapters available but not included for Graco Snugride, Nuna Pipa, PegPerego Primo Viaggio SIP and SIP 30/30, and Maxi Cosi Mico.


By Stokke; made in the USA.

Kids' Wear.

Product guarantee 3 year

Weight 12.5 kg

Height 1 cm

Width 75 cm

Depth 1 cm

Colour Purple

Safety compliance Conforms to European safety standards

Age suitability From birth

Pram mode compatible Compatible

Travel system compatible Compatible

Number of seat positions 5

Number of wheels 4

Parent-facing seat unit yes

Adjustable handles yes

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