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TECHEM является ведущим в Европе предприятием в сфере услуг

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Адрес: Россия, 105120, Москва, Москва, ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, д. 5/7, стр.9, офис 209, 211
Телефон: +7(495) 363-1544
Компания: Техем
Артикул: T1
Цена: Цена не указана. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с продавцом, чтобы уточнить цену.
Город: Москва
Категория: Другое

What is adapterm?

Intelligent consumption reduction.
adapterm makes radio recording even more attractive by using the consumption data from individual radiators to control the heating system according to the actual requirements. With adapterm you will save energy – and therefore money. On average, this adds up to about 10 %.

Effortless energy saving.
adapterm is a learning system. It reduces the boiler‘s flow temperature, decreasing pipe heat loss. adapterm guarantees that the heating system only produces the heat which is actually needed.

Advantages which will convince you
Energy consumption drops: adapterm reduces heat energy consumption as soon as it is installed – on average by about 10 %.
Comfort remains high: residents heat their rooms as usual and enjoy the desired amount of warmth.
A benefit for the environment: with adapterm you actively contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions.

Товары и услуги компании

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Techem Cold Meter

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Measuring capsule water meters

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