The rich second generation of Hydraulic Cartridge Valve manufacturer taught me a lesson, and AAK also learned to say NO to difficult customers

Last night, a rich second generation from a hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer invited me to dinner. He not only wasn't angry with someone who caused him embarrassment, but also said it was his own fault and taught me a lesson. Before telling this story, I thought of what I saw in Shanghai a few days ago. A hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer get along well with me introduced a customer to AAK, and asked me to go to Shanghai for a face-to-face communication. In the top office buildings of the company in Shanghai, I saw most of the executives who were very friendly to security guards and cleaning aunts, actively waving and smiling. Suddenly, I felt that wealthy people are very approachable to the bottom class now, but it used to be different.

The rich second generation of this hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer is a friend of my classmate. He is gradually taking over his father's hydraulic cartridge valve factory. Their family not only operates hydraulic cartridge valve factory, but also engages in financial businesses. Anyway, they are very wealthy, even their family does nothing, and this generation is not worried about food or clothing. Last night while we were eating at the restaurant, a waitress accidentally knocked over a large glass of beer with her elbow, spilling all over his pants. My friend smiled and didn't get angry. He wiped it himself and said to the waitress, 'It's okay, you're busy with your work.'. I felt that the waitress was quite nervous. After a while, the waitress and the restaurant manager came together and apologized to him together. The manager also said that he would deduct the waitress's bonus. Upon hearing this, he directly said to the manager, 'Don't criticize her. I touched it myself, not the waitress. She was not wrong'. I suddenly felt that this guy has excellent character and extremely high quality, and the people at our table also praised him. As a result, he was also happy, but what he said next overturned the Three Views.

He said, 'This is to protect myself, there's no need to argue with them. They don't have much money. If this makes them feel bad and puts their anger on me, I don't have to gamble with them. My time, my value, is more valuable than theirs.'. After thinking about it later, it was actually true. Many times, the approachability shown by those who are particularly advanced is rooted in the fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

If this logic is extended to business, there is no need for hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturers to argue with some customers. We have new customers inquiring every day, and there is no need to spend more time on hydraulic cartridge valve customers who are haggling fiercely and demand more, as well as those who may not be able to afford hydraulic cartridge valves. Refusal in good faith also protects the hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer AAK In fact. For major customers, especially those from the Fortune 500 or those who value quality, as long as your manufacturing quality is recognized by them and the delivery time is guaranteed, everything else is easy and they do not haggle over the price.

Hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer AAK enjoys serving these customers the most. While striving for manufacturing quality, we adhere to daily dissemination of our customer cases, production processes, and process technical skills. Churchill said to his compatriots, "I have nothing, all I can offer is blood, hard work, sweat, and tears." And I want to say to customers or potential customers of hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer AAK, "After reading and writing for so long, I still know nothing. All I can offer is sincerity

Customer first, no one pays attention to you; Customer obsession, love you for 3 years. Hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturer AAK is only willing to do things that fascinate customers.



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