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Owning A Pet And Your Health

In addition, a well-behaved dog is fun to be around. It helps to fill your day with activities that you would not have time for if you had a pet. With a pet, you may be more inclined to read books, play board games, or go out to the park. As well, when your pet returns home from a long day at work, you will be glad that you took the time to pet and cuddle him. You may even find yourself taking a dog to a movie just because you know that he will not destroy your furniture.

Finally, one of the most important reasons why rehab is better with a dog is that a dog will be much happier when it has a family. Having a dog is very similar to having a child. When you have a child, you become the caretaker. Your child needs your help to be safe...

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Owning A Pet And Your Health

Owning A Pet And Your Health

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