How To Set And Achieve Your Fitness Goals

There is nothing more motivating than a clear fitness goal. Whether it be losing weight, building muscle mass, or improving your athletic performance, having a concrete picture of what you want to achieve will help you stay focused and consistent with your workout routines.

Often when setting fitness goals we throw ourselves in at the deep end. The idea of losing five stone, or running a marathon can feel like an insurmountable task. To keep your motivation high break your goal into a series of steps that you will work towards over time. For example 'lose 2lbs per month' or 'run 3 times a week on a regular basis.' This will give you something to work towards without overwhelming you and may even lead to better results than you originally thought possible by clicking on!

When setting your fitness goals it is also important to make sure they are realistic and based on your individual needs. If you are a naturally lazy person then deciding to get up at 4am daily for a run might not be the best idea. Instead look at your strengths and find a way to incorporate them into your new routine, for example if you love to dance why not sign up for a class that combines cardio and strength training, this will be a fun way to hit both your goals!

Lastly, it is crucial to remember that setbacks are a normal part of any fitness journey. Achieving your goal can be a major milestone, but it is also important to celebrate non-scale victories. These include increased energy levels, improved mood and feeling better about yourself. Taking the time to focus on these achievements will help you to stick with your goals and overcome any setbacks you might face along the way.

If you are serious about hitting your fitness goals in 2023 then consistency is key. This means being consistent with your workouts, meal planning and tracking your progress. It will be hard to see your results if you are constantly changing your routines and not sticking with one thing for an extended period of time.

It is also a good idea to set a reminder on your phone or in your diary that you have made the commitment to yourself to be healthy and fit. This will be a constant reminder of why you are working so hard and serve as motivation on those days when you want to give up or fall off the wagon. If you find yourself struggling with motivation try incorporating some of the tips above, or speak to your personal trainer who can provide you with some fresh ideas to help you get back on track. Remember, it is never too late to start again and your effort will pay off! Best of luck on your fitness journey.



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